The Combat
The sequence of actions, order of activationSpecial cards and Special actions
A guide explaining special circumstances in the Game
Borrowing cards
The special powers of some champions and other cards allow some advantages in borrowing cards from other players. Borrowed cards are always returned to the original source at the end of the round of combat that they are borrowed. The only exceptions are if the card specifically states that the card is not returned or if the borrowed card is discarded during combat.
Copying powers
When you copy a special power from another card, you copy the exact text on the card. This is not the case for Avatar cards, as they have special powers that cannot be copied. Copies are made immediately after the card is played and not later on. When a card can copy a special power of another card, the owner chooses a new card to copy each turn during phase 3, unless otherwise stated on the card. Copies last for the stated duration on the card.
Using "all" or "any" cards
Some champions and allies grant the ability to use cards of a particular type. The ability to use a particular card type permits the champion to use all cards, even those with additional restrictions (such as "only usable by heroes"). For instance, a hero who can "cast any spell" can cast spells that normally can be cast only by dragons.
Order of play
Playing cards down first can feel like a race in very intense games. When you play a card, all players have the opportunity to respond.
Whenever you play a card, all players have the opportunity to respond. Once that's done, you can continue.
The player who activates an already-in-play card gets priority over other players on his turn. No one should be surprised at the card's activation since it has already been in play. The acting player gets to resolve his card first if there is any question regarding who played the card first.
Running out of cards
The game ends when the draw pile of a player is emptied.
An optional rule: When a player's draw pile is depleted, the discard pile is reshuffled to form a new draw pile at the end of the current turn. Note that cards in the Abyss, Limbo or the Void are not reshuffled. Cards that are supposed to be drawn when the player doesn't have any cards are lost.
Bringing Avatars into Play
An Avatar is a champion of exceedingly high level and high power. These champions have conditions that must be met before they can be brought into play. Each player can include a "free" avatar in their deck (level doesn't count to the total levels). For deck construction purposes, it is still considered a single card.
Avatars may only be brought into play during phase 3 of a player's turn. Avatars must also be brought into play under all the conditions listed on the individual cards every time they are brought in.
Flyers, Swimmers, and Earthwalkers
The flying champion can attack almost any realm, regardless of its location. Whenever a champion attacks a protected realm, like a realm in position B while the realm in position A has not been razed, all his allies must be flyers, swimmers, or Earthwalkers to reach it. Champions don't automatically grant their allies the ability to fly, swim, or earthwalk.
A swimming champion is able to attack any realm that shows a coastline, even if it is protected. Realms that do not show coastlines can only be attacked by swimmers if they are exposed (such as in the A position or behind razed realms). Rivers and ponds don't count as a coastline. Check out the Spellfire App and website, which define all realms with coastlines.
The Earthwalker can enter realms by digging underground. Earthwalking is a special power that allows that champion to attack any realm that doesn't have special movement requirements or is limited by champion type.
A flyer cannot choose not to fly, a swimmer cannot choose not to swim, and an earthwalker cannot choose not to earthwalk. If a realm cannot be attacked by a flyer, a champion designated as a flyer cannot attack it, even if the realm is exposed and he need not fly to get to it. The same is true for swimmers, earthwalkers, or any other champion of this type. Any type of champion and ally can defend against flyers, swimmers, and earthwalkers.
Counter-Effect Cards
Spellfire's standard rule states that the effects of cards occur in the order in which they are played. The powers and effects of each card are dealt with before the next one is played.
However, there is some exception that does exist. Calm, for example, is designed specifically to be a counter-effect card. Counter-effect cards negate the effects of cards played before them in the play, and this must always be the next card played by the affected player.
For example, if a player chooses to lay down a Cataclysm! the event, his chosen realm will be discarded. However, the Calm event negates the Cataclysm! If the player plays any other card before reacting with a Calm or similar card, the Cataclysm! is not negated.
Once-per-Turn Items
Some cards have abilities that can be used "once per turn." Usually, this means that the player can use the power once during the third phase of his turn, and after that, he can use it a second time during phase 3 of the next turn.
Before their powers can be activated, some cards must wait for another action. If some card was activated once per turn, it could not be activated again until the card owner's next turn.
During phase 3 of the current turn, items that duplicate the abilities or powers of another champion must be selected. You cannot wait for a battle to begin before deciding which power to use.