What's New in Spellfire
New mechanics, interactivity, ideas and funUpcoming New App for iOS and Android
Digitizing the real cards of collectable card game
For the first time in the history of Spellfire, we transferred information about every historical card to the web, as well as mobile platforms - iOS and Android. Website and the App are essential tools for any new and advanced Spellfire players. Any citizen in Spellfire world can propose adjustments, explanations about any card, its mechanics, strange situations in gameplay, great combos, or poor balance. The app is an irreplaceable reference guide.
The power of the APP
The app will let you scan the QR code on the actual card, set ownership, and add it to your collection. Ownership transfer is only possible with the consent of the owner. The app will let you check the status of an opposing player card. Card validity is not permanent - once expired, they can no longer be used in play. Any owned Spellfire card can be renewed with the app and used again in the deck buildings, tournaments, and championships.
Cards labeled as "Interactive" can only work in the app. There are spells, runes, shape-shifting cards, alchemy related cards controlled by the software. The app also contains dice rolls.
Cards labeled as "Upgradable" can be upgraded only in the app. The final adjusted level of the card will be shown in the app. Some cards have an Augmented reality feature, which is also available within the app exclusively. After the initialization of the camera, you can see your card coming to life.
The app controls non Playing Characters (NPC).