Licensing of the Game
The rules of using the assetsNew Rules from the players to the players
The maze of trademarks and copyrights
These are the current rules.
The company "Wizards of the Coast" is not the holder of the Spellfire trademark or the domain name.
They have lost power over the Spellfire community. The brand's new owners are the "new gods" of the game who decide what those rules are. And the new owners are the whole Spellfire community themselves with their leaders, decision-makers, and creators of the game.
Wizards of the Coast are still holding the copyright for old cards, their artwork, names, worlds, and logos. The new owners will respect that and will not use old assets for reprinting and distribution. Instead, they will create their own worlds, logos, novels, places, characters, legends, and myths.
Intellectual Property:
When making a custom card, you DO NOT have permission to use any previously printed TSR/Wizards of the Coast artwork.
There are strict rules for the design of the new cards, places, and markings. When seeking to use non-TSR/Wizards of the Coast artwork in the custom cards, you must obtain written permission from the individual or group whose work you would like to use. You must then give them credit on the card in the predetermined place. The artwork should match the current style/theme of the cards. Note that any card texts submitted for new Spellfire booster sets become public domain at the time of their submission. Creating a balanced play environment requires that we have the flexibility to alter and modify card texts after submission, which precludes the possibility of submitters retaining any intellectual property rights under these circumstances. Every card must have the date of creation and unique QR code attributed to every card and connected to the Database. All cards are minted on a blockchain network, so only the senior citizen can do that. Please send your ideas to them.
Legal Distribution: All new custom cards will be approved or disapproved by the Senior Citizens of Spellfire and will become the property of Spellfire Community. The creation, showcasing, distribution, and printing of such card images, in any form (digital or otherwise), will be controlled to have the right balance of rarities and availability. Every card has a unique QR code, so it must be acquired, set up within the Database, and minted on a blockchain network before printing. As a card owner or designer, you may accept payments for custom cards; if you wish to participate in distributing a custom card and earn money, contact the senior citizens.
Legal Violations: Because every card has a unique QR code and is minted on a blockchain network, it is impossible to cheat and make card duplicates. Duplicates will not be registered within the App, and any duplicate QR code will lead to the owner Card. Any QR Code, which was not approved, will not work in the Spellfire App. Suppose you notice a cheater with a stolen card in the tournament where it's impossible to check the ownership of the card. In that case, that player loses immediately, and his citizenship in the Spellfire world will be suspended.
Note: Wizards of the Coast does not have the legal power not to allow the creation of the Custom Cards.Let's make Spellfire better together!
They are NOT VALID anymore.
Since the game of Spellfire has been passed to fans to continue its growth, you have permission to create your own Spellfire cards for casual play. Such “custom cards” are also being made for official tournament-legal sets. In both cases, certain guidelines must be followed since Spellfire and all associated D&D elements (artwork, characters, graphics) remain the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast and/or the relevant artists/designers.
Intellectual Property: When making a custom card, you have permission to use any previously printed TSR artwork/graphics. Make sure that you give credit to the illustrator/photographer somewhere in the front of the card. Such a reference should read either “Illus. © [artist’s name]” or “Photo. © [photographer’s name]” and be printed in the font color that permits clear visibility (white text on a dark image, black text on a light image, etc.). When non-TSR artwork/photographs are used in the creation of custom cards, you must obtain permission from the individual or a group whose work you would like to use. You must then give them credit on the card as described above. Finally, note that any card texts submitted for online Spellfire booster sets become public domain at the time of their submission. The creation of a balanced play environment requires us to have the flexibility to alter and modify card texts after submission, and this prevents the possibility of submitters retaining any intellectual property rights under these circumstances.
Legal Distribution: All custom cards, whether personal or a part of the official online boosters are the property of Wizards of the Coast. Creating, showcasing, distributing, and printing such card images, in any form (digital or otherwise), must not be associated with any monetary benefit. Hence you, as the illustrator of a card or a designer of a card, not submitted to an online booster, can hold a claim to your intellectual contribution to a custom card. This is partial and secondary to the rights held by Wizards of the Coast as the owner of the game. Thus, you may not accept payments for custom cards; if you wish to distribute custom card images or printed versions of custom cards, you must do so free of charge. Note that paying a printing company for the high-quality prints of custom cards is permissible since the payment rendered is for a service (printing) and not for the cards themselves.
Legal Violations: Any violation of the above-mentioned guidelines places the entire future of Spellfire in jeopardy. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in fans no longer being able to use TSR art or Spellfire icons/logos. In other words, the creation of custom cards will no longer be permitted by Wizards of the Coast.