The Rules
How to play Spellfire and use the appA Set-up Diagram for the Player
Various places where the cards go explained
The players must shape the form of the pyramid with their realms. The top point of the triangle is the first realm to play. The third row cannot be played until the second row is filled. Realms are explained in this article.
The Formation
A formation is a place where the realms are arranged in strict Pyramid form. There might be some empty spots in the second or third row when other players discard the realm. New realms must be played in the empty spots.
Example: If the realms A to E are already filled, and A and B have been discarded by events, then the player must lay his next realm in position A. In no way can it be placed in position B or F.
As a result, each realm protects the two realms directly behind it by shielding them from attacks. A realm cannot be attacked when behind an unrazed realm, and razed realms provide no protection. The realms that are exposed by a razed realm are targets for attacks.
The Pool
Just below the formation is the pool. Players can put any number of champions into the pool during phase 3 of their turns. During phase 3, magical items and artifacts can be attached to the champions. Once a card is placed in the pool, it stays there until the game forces it to be discarded.
The attached cards discard with a champion if it is discarded, sent to Limbo, or sent to the Abyss. If the champion goes to Dungeon, the attached cards stay with the champion.
The Limbo
Champions may be sent to the Limbo if they lose combat or if certain realms, events, and other cards power them up. Some cards could go to Limbo on purpose.
As a rule, the Limbo is a place where cards are treated as "Not in play." It is located in the right corner of the formation. Another player may add an identical champion to his pool, in which case the champion from Limbo is discarded. Players should be careful when placing champions in"Limbo" to avoid being discarded.
The Abyss
Events are placed in the Abyss when they are discarded without being played. A card can also be placed in the Abyss by some spells, realms, holdings, and other cards. In a game, the only way a card can be retrieved from the Abyss is by cards that claim to be able to retrieve cards from the Abyss. Demons use the Abyss in the game for their advantage.
The Void
The terms of some cards specify that the card shall be removed. The Void is an outside game area, and cards cannot return from here. Used events enter the Void, and cards can never be brought back from the Void unless you have some scarce cards with that kind of power.
The Dungeon
The dungeon can be placed during phase 2 under the realms in the player's formation. Other players can attack dungeons by the same rules as attacking the realms. Opponents should have a "path" to the dungeon, and Unrazed realms protect the dungeon from attacks.
The realm in the same spot as the dungeon does not provide protection. If the realm with the dungeon in the same spot is discarded, the dungeon is discarded too.
Some Dungeons have powers to hide champions, and champions placed in the dungeons are not considered "in play." Another player may add an identical champion to his pool, but when the champion leaves the dungeon, the identical champion "in play" should be discarded. Check who is hiding in the dungeons in order not to lose your champions.
The term "in play" is pretty straightforward. When the card is "in play," it is either "in pool," in a formation, or participating in a battle. Cards "in play" include rule cards on the table, dungeons, and active events, but the champions in the dungeons are not considered "in play."
In general, a card that is removed from play is sent to the discard pile unless its power specifies that it should go somewhere else, like to Limbo. When a card is no longer "in play," it does not affect the game.