Spellfire cards

Green Krakenite
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6
4CH / 367

Green Krakenite

Creature. Swimmer. Green Krakenite expels an ink cloud which reduces the attacking power of every spell and psionic power by 2 levels until the end of the turn.


Monster card type
Flaming Waters
Creature Male

Art by: AI art / Ugnius Kiguolis


Once upon a time, there lived a creature of the deep sea known as Green Krakenite. From his home in Flaming Waters, he spent his days swimming and exploring the ocean's mysterious depths. One fateful day, while on one of his adventures, Green Krakenite was attacked by a powerful spell. Knowing that his only hope for survival was to use his power, he expelled a cloud of ink from his body. The ink worked like a shield, reducing the attacking power of every spell and psionic power. Seeing that Green Krakenite was safe from harm, the attacker quickly fled in terror. Green Krakenite had used the last of his energy to protect himself, and he drifted deep into the depths of Flaming Waters, never to be seen again. Though his tale is a tragic one, it serves as an example of how courage can sometimes conquer even the most potent forces. Green Krakenite taught us that when we face danger, we have the power within ourselves to prevail.

Terms explained


Creature - Champions and allies designated as creatures gain bonuses or penalties on other cards' special powers. Creatures can be of any champion type. Creatures are a specific race in the Spellfire world. Not all creatures are monsters.

NPC - Non-Player Character (NPC) might attack you first. Win the battle against NPC before fighting the opponent.

Swimmer - A swimming champion or ally can attack any realm in an opponent's formation that shows a coastline in its picture. This also includes realms with pictures instead of maps that depict coasts. The ability to swim is not automatically conferred to other cards, so a champion attacking a protected coastal realm must have the means to get his allies there if he intends to use allies in the round of battle. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and swimmer, they can choose how to move. The statement 'flyers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from swimming to that realm, and 'only flyers can attack' does not mean that the swimming ability makes the champion unable to attack.