Vampire. Flyer. Ostrich can bring one non-flying ally to the battle. One non-flying ally can be placed into the battle, where only flyers can reach.
Art by: AI art / Ugnius Kiguolis
Flyer - Champions or allies with the ability to fly can attack any realm, regardless of its position, by flying over intervening realms. If a card does not specify that it's a flyer, it is not, even if the picture shows wings or the name of the card implies the ability to fly. Flyers cannot attack realms that specifically state that they are immune to flyers or that flyers cannot attack. The ability to fly is not automatically granted to allies unless it specifically states so on the flyer's card. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and swimmer, they can choose how to move. The statement 'flyers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from swimming to that realm, and 'only flyers can attack' does not mean that the swimming ability makes the champion unable to attack.
NPC - Non-Player Character (NPC) might attack you first. Win the battle against NPC before fighting the opponent.
Vampire - Vampires are a special kind of champion or ally, designated in a card's text box. Not all Vampires are "Undead". Unless the card says "undead", it is not undead, even if the picture or name of the card seems to indicate otherwise. Many vampires are monster champions, though they can be of any type.