Spellfire cards

Giant Weremole
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6
2AL / 367

Giant Weremole

Werebeast. Earthwalker. Weremole negates all offensive psionic powers and gets +3 levels against psionicists.


Ally card type

Art by: AI art / Ugnius Kiguolis


A powerful and mysterious creature wanders around Spellfire that is feared and avoided by nearly everyone. It is known simply as the Giant Weremole, an immense being of incredible strength and unrivaled psionic power. Legend had it that this beast could quickly move through any terrain and navigate even the darkest underground passages without ever leaving a trace. But the Giant Weremole was not just a powerful Earthwalker. It was something far more - it could negate all forms of offensive psionic powers, making it nearly invincible against any attack. The Giant Weremole roamed the lands for centuries, and its stories were told by every culture that encountered it. Some of these tales even suggest that the Giant Weremole could take on the form of a human, allowing it to blend in with its surroundings and protect itself from potential danger. Regardless of its true nature, the Giant Weremole remains an elusive creature capable of inspiring awe and fear in equal measure.

Terms explained


Earthwalker - A champion or ally with the earthwalking ability can travel under the ground to attack any realm in a player's formation. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specifically state that they are immune to Earthwalkers, or that Earthwalkers cannot attack. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specify that only other types of champions may attack (such as "Can only be attacked by clerics" or "Can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers"). The ability to Earthwalk is not granted to allies unless it specifically states so in the Earthwalker's card. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and earthwalker, they can choose how to move. The statement 'earthwalkers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from flying to that realm, and 'only earthwalkers can attack' does not mean that the flying ability makes the champion unable to attack.

NPC - Non-Player Character (NPC) might attack you first. Win the battle against NPC before fighting the opponent.

Werebeast - Champions and allies designated as werebeasts gain bonuses or penalties based on other card's special powers. Many werebeasts are monster champions, though they can be of any type.