Spellfire cards

Vampire Fire Ant
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6
2AL / 367

Vampire Fire Ant

Vampire. Earthwalker. Vampire Fire Ant likes the flesh of the monsters and gets +5 levels against them.


Ally card type

Art by: AI art / Ugnius Kiguolis


In the depths of Spellfire lives a powerful beast known as Vampire Fire Ant. Legend said he roamed the realm in search of creatures to feed on. He had a voracious appetite and would consume the flesh of any monster he could find. But it wasn't just to satisfy his hunger; it was also about conquering those monsters that dared stand in his way. Vampire Fire Ant had a reputation for being ruthless and relentless as he continued to search for new monsters to feed upon. He lurked in the shadows, waiting for unsuspecting prey. When one appeared, he swooped in, consuming the flesh of his prey with a single bite. Nothing could escape from Vampire Fire Ant's power. But all was not as it seemed. Despite his reputation for carnage and destruction, Vampire Fire Ant also had a softer side. He could sit in the moonlight, reflecting on what he had done. In those moments of stillness, he felt peace and contentment that only someone who has conquered could understand. Vampire Fire Ant's life is a power, strength, and courage story. He hunted monsters with the ferocity of a lion and the wisdom of an elder. He brought justice to those who deserved it and showed mercy when necessary. His legacy will continue through the ages as a reminder that sometimes, even the most powerful creatures can have a heart.

Terms explained


Earthwalker - A champion or ally with the earthwalking ability can travel under the ground to attack any realm in a player's formation. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specifically state that they are immune to Earthwalkers, or that Earthwalkers cannot attack. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specify that only other types of champions may attack (such as "Can only be attacked by clerics" or "Can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers"). The ability to Earthwalk is not granted to allies unless it specifically states so in the Earthwalker's card. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and earthwalker, they can choose how to move. The statement 'earthwalkers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from flying to that realm, and 'only earthwalkers can attack' does not mean that the flying ability makes the champion unable to attack.

NPC - Non-Player Character (NPC) might attack you first. Win the battle against NPC before fighting the opponent.

Vampire - Vampires are a special kind of champion or ally, designated in a card's text box. Not all Vampires are "Undead". Unless the card says "undead", it is not undead, even if the picture or name of the card seems to indicate otherwise. Many vampires are monster champions, though they can be of any type.