There is one interesting creature living in the most forested regions of Spellfire. He is called the Sloth, and this creature is certainly not in a rush!
Characterized by its slow movement and solitary lifestyle, this creature likes to live away from others; that's why you won't see him wandering in an open area. Although he may sound like an unfriendly creature, he is friendly. Once he encounters someone, it's usually an easy-going interaction.
The Sloth's body is covered in a long, damp fur that features some green hue. Locals believe his fur looks like this because the algae grow right where he likes to rest. But there might be a different reason since Sloths can usually be seen clinging to the trees, not in the wetlands.
Although Sloths usually feed on tree leaves and plants, they can be occasionally seen eating insects. Normally they look calm and relaxed, but if you ever try to interact with them in a harsh way, they might become aggressive. That's why it's best to keep your distance and leave him be.