The Venomous Bracelet is an ancient artifact with a long and dark history. Despite its breathtaking beauty, it actually possesses its owner by turning him into something else.
Legend has it that the bracelet was once a belonging of a powerful witch. But after her death, it was stolen from her grave and sold in the bazaar. Since one person bought it and started to wear it casually, he eventually changed into a completely different person. Once friendly, generous and bright person turned into a harsh and evil one with bad intentions only. To make matters even worse, one day person mysteriously died with extreme suffering without anyone knowing the cause. And that's how the bracelet started its journey from hand to hand.
Eventually, the bracelet's true nature was exposed, and many people tried to destroy it afterward. Despite effortless attempts, it turned out to be indestructible. Nevertheless, it was witnessed that once the bracelet is tried on, it's impossible to take it off!
This bracelet was always described as a curse and a gift at the same time since it had a positive effect as well. The one wearing it gained some extraordinary powers. Despite that, it has been known to change the person physically and mentally without the person himself even noticing it.
No one should ever wear the Venomous Bracelet. It should always be kept locked without anyone being able to take it.