Since ancient times, various amulets and symbols have been used for protection against bad luck or the evil eye. Although the existence of magic was only rumored, some believers were already trying to protect themselves from it. As the world changed, the need for protection against magic grew, and these amulets and symbols came into widespread use. But with the growing influence of magic, they needed a stronger effect. With the help of powerful wizards, they have been upgraded to protect from all kinds of harm, especially from magical ones. One such amulet is known as The Seal of Protection. It is a magical protective item that is widely used across the world of Spellfire. The amulet is an image of a five-pointed star enclosed in a circle. The embodiment of the unity of the elements leads to the acquisition of inner harmony and helps to foresee events and make difficult decisions. The special powers of harmful magical items do not work for the champion who owns The Seal of Protection. That's why it is one of the best safeguards against destructive attacks.