Mines are inconspicuous, extremely dangerous weapons that warriors have used for centuries. They are usually so small and well-hidden that they are almost impossible to spot. This has made them very useful in combat.
An Interactive Mine is not a regular one. It's an even more dangerous explosive device that can't be used everywhere. They are very hazardous, so you need to be very careful while using them.
Before using one, you need to understand how it works and its inclusion algorithm. Because of ignorance, there were cases when the mine owner did not know how to set it up correctly, and the mine exploded right in his hands!
During the Century War for Power, Interactive Mines played a decisive role in ground combat operations. Their use led to the loss of most armored vehicles and the personnel that took part in this war.
To this day, Interactive Mines are used in combats and are considered to be one of the most useful weapons of all.