Information is knowledge about facts, events, things, processes, ideas, concepts, and other objects that has some meaning in some context. The most meaningful information usually comes from the lips of those who represent authority to us. This kind of information is usually believed to be the truth. But what if the information could be manipulated?
There is one well-known event in the history of information manipulation called propaganda. It is known as a piece of misleading information used to control people over the ages. Its primary purpose was to promote a particular political or ideological point of view and to convince people to support a cause or belief.
In the world of Spellfire, an event known as Propaganda is also used for similar purposes. When there are disagreements between different realms, leaders use Propaganda to make people obey and do what they want.
If you ever want to get more control over other players, do not hesitate to add Propaganda to your deck.