This world is no longer the same as it was pictured in old photographs and described in books with pretty covers. Although it is now dark and mysterious, it has its own charm.
How did it come to be this way? Some say that everything changed when there was once a solar eclipse. That fateful eclipse even lasted 7 days. And while the world was shrouded in darkness, a strange portal opened up, and all sorts of creatures began to come out from it. Although the portal closed at the end of the eclipse, the creatures remained and took up residence in different parts of the world. The sun also stopped shining as brightly as before, which made it gloomy all around.
Although this is not a unanimously supported story, it could explain where these extraordinary creatures came from and how they have such inexplicable powers. From inception, most of the creatures have mutated, and various experiments have been carried out with their powers. Perhaps that is why, to this day, different creatures are capable of so much.
Today, different parts of the world are fragmented. Each of these parts has its own life. And in order to conquer larger areas, strangers often cross borders and march toward greater power. This gives rise to the cold-blooded wars that plague the world's inhabitants almost daily.
Because the powers of the creatures that live in different places are not the same, it is not uncommon for both the invaders and the invaded to have to turn their heads to fight against each other. Some creatures can fly or swim, making it much easier for them to adapt to unfavorable battle conditions. But what are earthly creatures to do in unfavorable cases? Since the natural powers of some earthly beings are sometimes not enough, higher forces are called in to help. One such force is the Arcane Earth.
A handful of this magical earth gives more power to earth creatures, which can be used to fight or defend themselves. That's why this tool is a must-have in the arsenal of every Earth creature.