Spellfire cards

Water Troll
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6
299 / 600

Water Troll

Troll. Swimmer. Can cast cleric spells. Summons one water champion "in play" to aid in battle as an ally. If lost, summoned ally returns to owner's pool.


Thief card type
Flaming Waters
Troll Female

Art by: AI art / Ugnius Kiguolis


Once upon a time, in the Flaming Waters lands, a troll was born who had a strong passion for swimming. When he was just a little, he heard a story that deep in the ocean was a city full of treasures no one could reach. That's why, from an early age, he dreamed of becoming a fish-like creature who could swim well and breathe underwater to reach that treasure city and live like the rich. As he grew older, the troll became more and more determined to find the underwater city. He spent every spare moment training, swimming longer and longer distances, and holding his breath for more extended periods of time. But as much as he tried diving into the ocean, his efforts were not enough to reach the bottom. One day, as he was wandering in the swamps, he came across a mysterious pool that had the clearest water he had ever seen. He leaned over to that pool to see the bottom, but it looked like the depth of it was endless. He was very curious about it and decided to dive in. But as he was diving deeper and deeper, it seemed like there was still no bottom. Eventually, he started to lack breath, but he decided to dive a little more due to his big interest. And that's when he saw something shiny in the bottom. He was so determined to reach it that he ignored his last drops of breath fading away and went towards it. When he finally touched it, he passed out. Suddenly, he woke up on the mossy swamp floor. He wondered if he was still alive. But that's when he heard a strange voice. A shadow-like creature calmed him down and confirmed that the troll was still alive. Then the troll asked what happened and how he managed to get out of the pool alive. The shadow answered that this was not a regular pool. It's more like a wishing well that requires a strong will to grant a wish. And those who are willing to go to the end despite their physical obstacles get their one wish granted. The troll knew that it was his opportunity to make his wish come true. Since he always wished to become a fish-like creature, he wished just that. And that's how he became known as the Water Troll. Because of his new abilities, he could finally dive into the depths of the ocean. And since he could breathe underwater, he started to understand other swimming creatures and even made new friends. Some of them help him out in case of trouble from time to time. Although the troll's wish came true, he is not fully happy. He still hasn't found the treasure city. Rumor has it that, to this day, he is still looking for it. Maybe that city was just a childhood story and didn't exist?

Terms explained


Swimmer - A swimming champion or ally can attack any realm in an opponent's formation that shows a coastline in its picture. This also includes realms with pictures instead of maps that depict coasts. The ability to swim is not automatically conferred to other cards, so a champion attacking a protected coastal realm must have the means to get his allies there if he intends to use allies in the round of battle. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and swimmer, they can choose how to move. The statement 'flyers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from swimming to that realm, and 'only flyers can attack' does not mean that the swimming ability makes the champion unable to attack.

Troll - Champions and allies designated as trolls gain bonuses or penalties based on other card's special powers. Many trolls are monster champions, though they can be of any type.