Spellfire cards

Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6
295 / 600


Interactive. Insect. Flyer. Earthwalker. Modified by the mad scientist and crushed on trolls. Troll, bitten by Cicada during phase 3, may become the slave until the end of your next turn.


Regent card type
Holy Deadlands

Art by: Edgaras Guršnys

Extended description

Probability of Success - 50%


In the Holy Deadlands, a desolate and mysterious region, the Cicada instilled terror in the hearts of its inhabitants. The Mad Scientist's twisted experiments had transformed the once-harmless insect into a monstrous predator feared by all who encountered it. Its newly enhanced intelligence and telepathic powers enabled the Cicada to stalk its prey with cunning precision, while its incredible speed and agility made it nearly impossible to escape. But it was the Cicada's bite that truly earned it its fearsome reputation. The venom it injected into its victims had a devastating effect, robbing trolls of their minds and turning them into mindless slaves. As Cicada's infamy spread throughout the Holy Deadlands, so too did stories of its brutal and merciless attacks. Tales of entire troll tribes falling under its control circulated among the fearful populace, further fueling the panic and dread that gripped the land. Heroes and adventurers who ventured into the Holy Deadlands often sought to avoid the Cicada at all costs, knowing that a single encounter could mean their doom. Those who survived a brush with the creature often found themselves scarred, both physically and mentally, by the experience. The Mad Scientist, no doubt reveling in the chaos his creation had unleashed, continued his dark experiments in his hidden laboratory. His twisted ambition knew no bounds, and the Cicada was only the beginning of his twisted menagerie of creatures. It was only a matter of time before more terrifying and powerful monsters emerged from the shadows of the Holy Deadlands.

Terms explained


Earthwalker - A champion or ally with the earthwalking ability can travel under the ground to attack any realm in a player's formation. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specifically state that they are immune to Earthwalkers, or that Earthwalkers cannot attack. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specify that only other types of champions may attack (such as "Can only be attacked by clerics" or "Can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers"). The ability to Earthwalk is not granted to allies unless it specifically states so in the Earthwalker's card. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and earthwalker, they can choose how to move. The statement 'earthwalkers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from flying to that realm, and 'only earthwalkers can attack' does not mean that the flying ability makes the champion unable to attack.

Flyer - Champions or allies with the ability to fly can attack any realm, regardless of its position, by flying over intervening realms. If a card does not specify that it's a flyer, it is not, even if the picture shows wings or the name of the card implies the ability to fly. Flyers cannot attack realms that specifically state that they are immune to flyers or that flyers cannot attack. The ability to fly is not automatically granted to allies unless it specifically states so on the flyer's card. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and swimmer, they can choose how to move. The statement 'flyers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from swimming to that realm, and 'only flyers can attack' does not mean that the swimming ability makes the champion unable to attack.

Insect - Champions and allies designated as insects gain bonuses or penalties based on other card's special powers. Insects can be of any champion type.

Interactive - Card special powers are controlled by the Spellfire app. Scan QR code to see the powers. Interactive cards lose their interactivity when switched sides.