Spellfire cards

King of Earthwalkers
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6
169 / 600

King of Earthwalkers

Creature. Earthwalker. King of Earthwalkers is Immune to Insects. Earthwalkers must ask permission to earthwalk.


Monster card type
Super Rare
Blood Birth
Creature Male

Art by: Ieva BatrytÄ—


Deep within the treacherous land of Blood Birth, there lives a monster known as the King of Earthwalkers. This fearsome creature is immune to the effects of plants, and as such, he is the only Earthwalker who can move freely through the land without asking permission. All other Earthwalkers know that they must approach the King of Earthwalkers with the utmost respect and deference. They would ask permission to earthwalk through his domain, and if he granted it, they would be allowed to proceed unharmed. But if they dared to cross his path without permission, they would face the full wrath of the King of Earthwalkers. Despite his fearsome reputation, few knew much about the King of Earthwalkers. Some whisper that he is the guardian of some powerful artifact buried deep within the earth, while others claim that he is an ancient and malevolent spirit awakened by the dark magic of Blood Birth. Whatever the truth of his origins, all who encountered the King of Earthwalkers know that he is a force to be reckoned with. His immunity to plants makes him all but invulnerable in his domain, and his power over the Earthwalkers is absolute.

Terms explained


Creature - Champions and allies designated as creatures gain bonuses or penalties on other cards' special powers. Creatures can be of any champion type. Creatures are a specific race in the Spellfire world. Not all creatures are monsters.

Earthwalker - A champion or ally with the earthwalking ability can travel under the ground to attack any realm in a player's formation. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specifically state that they are immune to Earthwalkers, or that Earthwalkers cannot attack. Earthwalkers cannot attack realms that specify that only other types of champions may attack (such as "Can only be attacked by clerics" or "Can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers"). The ability to Earthwalk is not granted to allies unless it specifically states so in the Earthwalker's card. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and earthwalker, they can choose how to move. The statement 'earthwalkers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from flying to that realm, and 'only earthwalkers can attack' does not mean that the flying ability makes the champion unable to attack.