The Dome - connecting the world of dead and living
Without the sun, without nature, Holy Deadlands truly is a place that resembles the end, the final moments of humanity, the death of all things good. Here, death is inevitable, a process that, sooner or later, will touch everyone.
But as some say, darkness breeds chaos. The night also allows strange things to happen, something to grow, and places to emerge. After a long walk across deep forests, near the cliff and Exiled city, here is the place that locals and those passing by call the Dome.
Here, surrounded by bright light and serenity, something holy and sacred is in the air. But do not be lured into fake safety and illusion. The Dome is not the place to connect with gods. It's a portal connecting the world of the dead and the living.
The Dome will grant you a wish, hope, and desire that was shared by many: to bring back one ally, dear friend, and loved one back.