I am a wet destroyer: I obscure the living, bless the slaves, and give moisture to the downtrodden.
I watered tomatoes; admired the eye-catching mushrooms and the green wandering pythons, the dust of which I count from year to year.
I don’t encourage everyone: hungry, alive, or finishing dry. They’re not my friends - that’s what they need me to have bone marrow brain pink on the top slope reflected.
I am not urging you - to count your minutes until you come to the well of life. Then I will embrace everyone - I will saturate you with love, make you sweat or sweat extra wrap the waist of that heat-thirsty.
He’s awesome. He’s attentive. He is a philosopher ingenious in evaporating the fluffy tracks of the maze. And the tomato smiles gratefully - recovered, thick, and happy. Everyone here is beautiful. Everyone needs Arcana Water. But not those with fire as their power.