Spellfire cards

The Man-eel
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6
162 / 600

The Man-eel

Holy Bloodborn. Swimmer. Man-eel brings back to life wounded allies. During phase 5, can return one ally from the discard pile.


Monster card type
Holy Deadlands
Holy bloodborn Male

Art by: Edgaras Guršnys


In the mystical world of legend and lore, there is one creature whose abilities are beyond anyone's comprehension. The Man-eel is a massive reptilian creature with a lower body resembling that of a snake and an upper body and arms like that of a human. Its skin is as hard as a stone, and its arms are protected by armor, with teeth as sharp as a knife. Despite its fearsome appearance, The Man-eel is said to be a creature of great power and benevolence. Its ability to bring the dead back to life is a testament to its incredible power, and many believe that it is immortal. The Man-eel is a creature that instills both fear and wonder in those who see it. Its appearance alone is enough to scare away even the bravest warriors, yet it seems harmless to humans, only wanting to help those in need. Over time, locals began to revere The Man-eel as a guardian of the mystical world, a being with powers beyond anyone's comprehension, and a creature of immense strength and wisdom.

Terms explained


Holy bloodborn - Bloodborns are a special kind of champions or allies. There are 2 types: Bloodborns and Holy Bloodborns, and it is designated in a card's text box. Bloodborns and Holy Bloodborn gain different bonuses or penalties on other cards' special powers. They can be of any type, but most of them are monsters.

Swimmer - A swimming champion or ally can attack any realm in an opponent's formation that shows a coastline in its picture. This also includes realms with pictures instead of maps that depict coasts. The ability to swim is not automatically conferred to other cards, so a champion attacking a protected coastal realm must have the means to get his allies there if he intends to use allies in the round of battle. A flyer cannot choose to not fly. A swimmer cannot choose to not swim. An earthwalker cannot choose to not earthwalk. In situations where a champion or ally has several types of movement, the champion can choose which type of movement to use. For example, if a champion becomes a flyer and swimmer, they can choose how to move. The statement 'flyers cannot attack' does not restrict the champion from swimming to that realm, and 'only flyers can attack' does not mean that the swimming ability makes the champion unable to attack.