Usable only by any undead. Discard a card from your draw pile, noting its last digit. Subtract this number from the opposing champion's level. If reduced to 0 or less, that champion is discarded. (Off/4)
Wizards of the Coast
Strength Drain is an unarmed combat card playable by undead champions or champions with the special power allowing them to play undead unarmed combat cards.
This card is a good choice for any undead deck. When played you draw and discard a card, noting the last digit. The opposing champion then loses that number from his adjusted level. If the opposing champion is reduced to 0 or less, he is discarded.
A good combination for this card is to have the rule card A Sure Thing (74/NS) in play before combat.
Another approach is to cast Rengarth Oracle (503/4th) before battle, ensuring you have a high level card available to be discarded.
Using this card in conjunction with Negative Planar Energy (73/NS), The Dreaded Ghost (246/4th), the Skeletal Lord (217/4th), or Level Drain (97/NS) also makes it very effective indeed.