Played at the beginning of the player's turn, this card is not discarded. It affects all players and remains in effect until any other rule card is played. Instructions to draw and discard a card, noting its last digit, are ignored. All opponents receive the worst possible outcome (o if high is good, 9 if low is best). This player receives the opposite.
Wizards of the Coast
This is a very interesting rule card that is powerful enough to build an entire deck around. There are plenty of cards of all types in the game of Spellfire that require you to draw and discard a card, noting its last digit, and they tend to affect everyone at the table, not just one person. One weakness of this rule card is that your opponents no longer have to throw away their cards, but it's a trade-off that is in your favor.
Here is a list of some good cards to put into a deck with this rule card: Lady Luck (9/FR) - this is like a free spoils of victory!, Black Bess (135/4th), Bess's Revenge (159/4th) (play these two back to back if possible), Vorpal Blade (56/FR), Great Shout (41/FR), Wand of Wonder (180/4th), Werewolf (83/FR), Wine of Eternity (21/FR-chase), Smoke Powder Pistol (19/AR-chase), Grimslade the Gray (36/RR), Mordenkainen's Disjunction (46/RR), Mount Nevermind (7/DR), The Black Death (26/NS), Trumpet of Doom (53/NS), Boot to the Head (434/4th), and Extension I (91/DU) (this could be a nasty one).
Note that there are several cards in the Dungeons booster set that read something like: "cut the owner's draw pile & check the last digit." These cards are unaffected by A Sure Thing because they are not discarded, merely looked at.
Possibly the most powerful combination in Spellfire is A Sure Thing and The Fates (23/BR-chase). Games are won and lost on this combination and entire decks have been set up around it and won with great success. If you see an opponent play out A Sure Thing, be assured that The Fates are right behind it.