Matas Kiguolis
Holy Bloodborn- GameMaster at Spellfire.
- Development of Cards, Sets, Booster packs and decks.
- Game mechanics.

Andrius Gricius
Elven Wizard (Visual storytelling)- Founder & CEO @ URAGA.LT - CGI/VFX/Game/AR/VR/XR Interactive visual content development agency.
- Interactive visual content development agency.

Rasa Mortuze
Spirit of the Forest (Content and Marketing)- Creative and Support team lead @ugetfix and @2spyware. Project all about Malware worldwide and PC health. Hated by scammers.

Gediminas (John) Januskevicius
CEO at Outfusion, CTO at IronDigital- Professional experience is over 10 years! We Remember times before smartphones... Yet We work with technologies before they are even released.

Edgaras Gursnys
Elf Warrior (Concept Art)- Painter, illustrator, digital artist. Working with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator programs.

Ieva Batryte
Elven Princess (Concept Art)- Painter, illustrator, digital artist. Working with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator programs.
Spellfire CCG is developed by Three Towers gaming studio partnering with Outfusion and Uraga. A team of 20+ experts has grown rapidly while specializing in:
- Game development
- Art and Design
- Blockchain development
- Digital Asset development
- UX/UI design
- Business/Marketing strategy
- Social Media Strategy
- Content Creation

Hassan (Hatu) Sheikh
- Chief Marketing + Strategy at DAO Maker, leading advisor and the project future seer @Spellfire.

Yida Gao
- Venture capitalist and currently a full-time General Partner of Shima Capital, Yida was on the ‘30 Under 30’ list of Forbes in 2020.

Dr Deeban Ratneswaran
- a Founder & CEO at GD10 Ventures he is also a recognized academic, a serial entrepreneur, and an early crypto and blockchain adopter.

Lester (徑安) Lim
- Founder at X21 Digital Lester is a veteran digital marketing entrepreneur and a leader in startup incubation

Tomas Martunas
- Prolific Early-Stage Venture Capital fund partner & Angel Investor with over 20 years of experience in banking, Co-Partner @ZenCapital.

Linas Kiguolis
- CEO & Game Master of Ertha. Technical guru and security expert. Advising @Spellfire on game design and technical solutions.