A long time ago, part of the world was in chaos. Years of unchecked industrialization had left some lands so radioactive that those places were almost uninhabitable. In most areas, creatures were exposed to radiation, with skin rashes, hair loss, and a host of other diseases.
The sky was dark with ash that never seemed to stop falling from the smoke clouds above. It clung to everything it touched like a thick, greasy film that no amount of scrubbing could remove. Although the situation was eventually brought under control, many speak of those times with horror, as many earthwalkers died.
Nowadays, this world is full of various inhabitants, but despite the old tragedy, the earthwalkers remain the majority. Villains from other species resort to various tricks to destroy eartwalkers. But one of them beats most. Some villains have resorted to radiation!
It is said that they have traveled to a corner of the world that was the site of that catastrophe and have managed to produce a weapon that can cause radiation again. This weapon can be a real threat to earthwalkers, so it's best to prepare all possible protection in advance!