This bag may be sent to the void from the hand or pool at any time to send all other 'bags' in play to the abyss, regardless of immunities. (Def)
Wizards of the Coast
This magic item is interesting in that it is meant to be used by the champion it is attached to, but has a negative icon bonus. While in play, it only has the negative icon bonus, with no special power.
However, it may be discarded from hand or pool (usually from the hand) to the Void to send all other attachments in play with “bag” in its title to the Abyss. Right now, this includes just the Bag of Beans (11/NS-chase) and the Bag of Holding (28/AR).
Despite that, the popularity of these cards in tournaments makes the Bag of Devouring a decent consideration in the tournament setting. Outside the tournament setting, these items are rarely used, and thus the Bag of Devouring won’t see play much in fun games.
The best advantage of this card is that the offending bags are sent to the Abyss. However, if the opponent doesn’t use those cards, this Bag is useless, giving only a negative level.
Thus, a more general magic item destroyer like the Wand of Telekinesis (63/DL) might be better. However, since magic items can easily be recycled, this Bag could be what you are searching for if you really hate those other bags.