Avatar. Two Greyhawk monsters must be discarded to bring Hextor into play. While in the pool Hextor doubles the level of all monsters of this player and makes them immune to offensive spells.
Wizards of the Coast
Hextor is an interesting diety for a monster themed deck. His high level makes him very dangerous, though his power doesn't affect him while he is in battle (since he would no longer be in the pool). While hiding in the pool, all monsters controlled by his player have their adjusted level doubled when they go into battle.
Thus, a magic item attached to the monster before battle begins has its level doubled; ie. The Storm Giant (81/FR) with a Vorpal Blade (56/FR) (+3) is level 20 when entering battle.
Also, all of the players monsters (including Hextor) are immune to offensive wizard and cleric spells while Hextor is in the pool. However, the existance of only 13 non-avatar greyhawk monsters, many of which not worth playing, severely limits a player from using Hextor.
Additionally, Hextor does not protect from the most powerful and dangerous threat to a monster deck: Treasure (130/4th).
These limitations and relatively weak power means that Hextor will rarely be seen in decks, and only in those mostly built around him. Try to avoid him if you can.