Usable only by clerics. During Phase 4, may enslave any undead champion in play to attack and defend for this player. The champion returns to its owner's pool only if it survives the combat. (Off)
Wizards of the Coast
The Necklace of Fangs can be a very powerful item in certain situations, but those situations can be quite limited.
First off, it can only be used by clerics (not just champions able to cast cleric spells), and thus only fits into decks of similar themes, but otherwise is useless.
Also, even though not clearly stated, this item only works once per battle, thus even an undead deck is not completely handcuffed by this card.
Finally, it only works if your opponent has an undead champion in play for you to summon (and those running all undead decks usually take advantage of immunity cards like the Throne of Bone (462/4th)).
All this adds up to a card that can be strong in very limited situations, but isn't strong enough to build around it, like it needs.
This card could be seen in fun cleric decks, but other than that, don't expect to see it often. An undead deck would be wise, however, to carry a method of magic item immunity just in case.