Play at any time to cancel a just played thief skill and send its user to the discard pile. (def) Can be played during phase 3 or 5 to send one thief champion to Limbo. (Off)
Wizards of the Coast
One thing that every Spellfire master loves is a good multipurpose card. This one has a few nice ones.
First of, the ability to negate a thief skill as it's played is very important, especially against skills like Con Game (82/DU) or Hijacking (86/DU). However, not that many decks carry Thief Skills, and those that dabble usually only card those two, so this card wouldn't always get used every game.
The other use does seem to make it worth it, as you can temporarily get rid of a thief in any pool, which can be very useful.
The best use of this card would be if you have a thief to bring into play, but can't due to the Rule of Cosmos.
While there are few champions immune to offensive thief skills, since you can only use it against thieves, it can be limiting. In tournaments, the most common targets you would find are Necba the Wrathmaker (14/DU-chase), The Guildmaster (28/NS), and Gib Reltub (20/NS-chase).
If you are working with a major thief concept, this isn't a bad to carry, or if you are carrying only a few key ones to your deck, it's pretty decent. However, I wouldn't recommend this to most decks.