Spellfire cards

Adamar Session
33 / 99

Adamar Session

Can use any cleric from any pool as an ally in battle. If victorious in combat, Adamar may retrieve one card from the owning player's discard pile or abyss. Both Adamar and the recovered card are then shuffled into the draw pile.

This is an old and copyrighted card, and it is restricted to use in the New Spellfire Game or official tournaments.


Hero card type
Forgotten Realms

Wizards of the Coast

Adamar Session - the twisted hero


Adamar is very similar to other cards available, with a twist that makes him an interesting choice for a wide variety of decks.

First off, one will find that there aren't that many good combat clerics, thus the first power isn't that great. After the round of combat, the cleric ally returns to the owner's pool unless destroyed during battle.

The second power is a twist of a victory based power found now on many cards, such as Halcyon (16/1st-chase). If victorious in any combat (regardless of how he got into that combat), the owning player (NOTE: Not the controlling player, but the owning player) can pick a card in the discard pile or abyss to get back to the deck. If a card is retrieved, it and Adamar both are shuffled into the owner's deck. Compared to Halcyon, it is an interesting connection.

One could say that Halcyon is better because it retrieves a card from the discard pile into the hand, with Halcyon returning to the pool, helping card advantage. However, it could be said Adamar is better because he can get cards back from the Abyss (which Halcyon can't do, and can include unused events), but both cards go to the deck, hurting card advantage. I'll leave that choice up to the deck builder, but if you choose to use Adamar, remember not to attach long term magic items or artifacts to him, as they would be discarded when he gets shuffled back into the deck.

The best combo with him is Blamblower (56/DL), as it is discarded to work, and would be discarded when Adamar retrieves a card. Also, note if he gets Halcyon (as she is a cleric), you may retrieve cards using both of their powers, as neither is required to be the champion (also making Adamar a great champion to borrow with another card's special powers).