This realm can only be attacked by champions of base level 5 or less. If the attacking champion is defeated, all attached magic items and artifacts stay with this realm (until it is razed or discarded) and can be used by its future defenders (regardless of world designations for artifacts).
Wizards of the Coast
Quasqueton is an interesting card for many reasons, giving additional strength to many decks, particularly those using the Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk (6/DU).
First off, Quasqueton can defend itself as a level 1 champion (level 4 with world bonus), which, while minor, is still another level of defense for the realm.
New, and probably most significantly, only champions of base level 5 or less can attack. This makes probably the best defender for this realm Bilago Lumen (17/PO), who drains his adjusted level from the opponent's. Since Bilago starts at level 5, this could mean many instant wins for this realm.
The only way to protect attacking champions is to use many attachments, and that leads nicely into the third power of this realm. If an attacking champion is defeat (not just discarded), any magic items or artifacts stay with the realm (regardless of whether the attachments would be going to the discard pile, hand, or pool).
Every future defender may use those attachments, making this snowball especial tough to raze through combat after one successful defense. A defender MAY use multiple artifacts held by this realm, but only if the defender does not have any artifacts already attached.
Some good holdings to attach to Quasqueton would include the Ancient Arms of Furyondy (146/3rd) or Fortification: Parapet (84/4th). This very tough to beat realm will see play time in many good decks in many different settings, and should be considered for many of your own decks.