Destroys all undead champions in one player's pool and prevents any undead champions from being involved in combat until the end of this player's next turn. (Harmful)
Wizards of the Coast
Celestial Lights is one of the many events that are able to wipe out undead champions. However, this event is a little more selective than something like The Avatar (20/1st-chase). This single event has two separate powers that come into effect. The first is that it destroys (discards) all undead champions in one player's pool, chosen by the event player. Secondly, no undead champions anywhere can be involved in combat until the event player's next turn is over.
Normally when an event affects everyone it cannot be deflected, but Celestial Lights is a little different. A person can play Deflection (137/4th) on this event only if his pool is the target of the first effect. This effect can be re-directed as per the Deflection card. The rest of the event's power, prohibiting undead in combat, continues to function for all players, including the Deflection player. Calm (400/3rd) could still be used to ignore this event as normal.
One excellent use for this event is to play it right before you bring out/attack with a champion that has a weakness to undead, like The King of the Elves (440/3rd). It can also give you a fighting chance to attack when cards that favor undead, like Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) are in effect.