Play any time to prevent a thief skill from taking effect. The champion using the skill is immediately discarded. (Harmful)
Wizards of the Coast
This event must be played after a thief skill card is played, otherwise it will have no effect. When Busted! is played, it cancels the effect of the targeted thief skill, and it also forces the champion using the thief skill to be immediately discarded. This event is very nice when you need to stop those pesky thief skills, and being able to get rid of the champion is a nice added bonus. Be careful about using this event in a deck where you also have thief skills, because if your opponent gets a hold of it via something like the Ninjas (239/4th), you could face being Busted! yourself.
Busted! has an added use in a particular situation. If you are attacking a realm whose realm champion is or can be a thief champion, and the realm champion uses a thief skill, you could use Busted! to cancel the skill card and discard the champion. As a realm champion, once it's discarded, you've had a successful attack. As long as Busted! isn't canceled, you'd be eligible for a spoils of victory.
A thief champion immune to harmful events will escape being sent to the discard pile, but that immunity does not extend to the just played thief skill, unless the thief skill is attached to the champion. Thus Gib Reltub (20/NS-chase) would not be discarded Busted!, but the thief skill Con Game (82/DU) that was played by Reltub would be.