Undead; flyer; dragon. One opposing ally of this player's choice is instantly discarded.
Wizards of the Coast
The Ancient Dracolich is one of the most powerful allies around. Possessing both an extremely high level (the 2nd highest there is for an ally) and a very effective power. It is a must have for nearly any deck that utilizes allies.
This ally's flying ability allows it to attack the vast majority of realms in the game and being able to discard an opposing ally instantly makes it a very effective battle card.
It is especially powerful in discarding those pesky "playing to lose" allies, like The Starving Artist (439/3rd) or to discard an opposing high level ally, thereby dramatically impacting the score of the combat.
It is important to remember that if you are going to destroy an opposing ally, it has to be done instantly. In other words, as soon as the Ancient Dracolich is played. You may not wait until later in the round to declare the Dracolich's power. If the opposing champion has no allies in play when the Dracolich enters the battle, it's power is wasted.
Other cards with similar powers include the Brine Dragon (45/DL), and the Ankheg (80/BR).