Elf. When played in combat, discard a card at random from all other players' hands.
Wizards of the Coast
The Cat Burglar is a must have for any discard deck. Its power allows you to randomly discard a card from all your opponents' hands when it is played in combat.
This might seem comparatively harmless to most people at first, but used with such cards as Athasian Sloth (230/4th), the Ninjas (70/FR), Lady of Fate, Avatar of Istus (42/PO), Fighting Dirty! (3/DU-chase), or Beggar (80/NS), it becomes quite significant.
Other non-combat cards that complement this one are Hettman Tsurin (172/3rd), Marco Volo (50/3rd), and Ren's Crystal Ball (199/3rd).
These cards are all very effective at forcing opponents to discard their cards before they can use them.