Spellfire cards

44 / 100


Avatar. Undead. Two undead champions must be discarded to bring Orcus into play. This player's undead gain 5 to their base levels; they may attack at half adjusted level to discard a realm instead of razing it. Orcus's base level is equal to the sum of the base levels of the undead discarded to bring him into play. Limit one avatar per pool.

This is an old and copyrighted card, and it is restricted to use in the New Spellfire Game or official tournaments.


Monster card type

Wizards of the Coast

Extended description


You must declare at the beginning of your phase 4 if you are attacking to raze or discard the defending realm. You may attack razed realms to discard them, but the realm must have already been razed before combat began. You cannot raze a realm and discard one in the same phase 4. Once you have razed or discarded a realm your turn moves to phase 5 as normal. You draw spoils for razing or discarding the defending realm as normal. Once Orcus is in play all of your undead add 5 to their base level. This is important when facing the Living Wall (58/PO). Orcus may not be played if you have one or more avatars already in your pool, and you may not play another avatar to your pool if you have Orcus already in play.

Orcus can turn a good undead deck into a living nightmare for your opponents. The ability to attack realms to discard them is very powerful. For this reason Orcus must be given some consideration when building any undead deck, especially if you have some combat in mind. Outside of an undead deck Orcus is severly less powerful and should most likely be passed over in favor of another avatar.

As a virtual cornerstone of many successful undead decks, Orcus has several cards that work well in combination with him. The Timepiece of Klorr (57/RL), Headless Horseman (88/RL), Negative Planar Energy (73/NS) and Undead Regeneration (7/RR-chase) will have your opponent in tears in short order when Orcus is around.