All thieves in play are immediately sent to Limbo until their players post bail by discarding a card to the Abyss to retrieve each thief. (Harmful)
Wizards of the Coast
When this event is played all thieves in play, including this player's thieves, are sent to Limbo. During phase 3 of their turn players may discard a card from their hand to the Abyss to retrieve a thief from Limbo. If multiple thieves are in Limbo then that player must discard a card to the Abyss for each thief.
The Long Arm of the Law is an excellent defense against a thief heavy deck. With few thief skill stoppers it also works to prevent normally unstoppable cards like Con Game (82/DU) by getting your opponent's thieves out of play before they can damage you with thief skills. This second use is not very efficient, but does offer an avenue of defense against thief skills.
This card works well in a thief deck if you can Calm (400/3rd) it for yourself. By sending all other thieves to Limbo you should have little problem with the Rule of the Cosmos. If your are playing a thief deck you will also want to be on guard against this event, so be sure to include at least a couple of event stoppers.
Running afoul of the town guard is a real danger in the profession. If you find yourself on the wrong side of the Baron's moat you'd best have a full purse or you will have a lot of time on your hands!
- Athenea Firnwood, Halfling Adventurer