Can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers. Nelanther has a powerful pirate navy. All champions and allies attacking any realm by swimming must discard a magical item from their hand or pool or return to their pool immediately.
Wizards of the Coast
This realm is a coastal realm. A magic item must be discarded for every champion and ally who uses the swimming ability to attack a realm in this player's formation. If a swimmer attacks a realm without swimming (i.e. front rank) then the bribe need not be paid.
If the attacker cannot pay the Nelanther pirate navy it's bribe, the attacking champion returns to his pool. Combat can continue with a different champion, but he must reach the defending realm by some means other then swimming or also pay the bribe.
The attacking player chooses which magical item, if any, to discard in order to attack.
Nelanther is a good realm to use if many of your realms can only be attacked by swimmers. Swimming, however, is the least used movement ability and you may find that Nelanther's special power is used infrequently. With popularity of Song of the Dragonlance (22/DU), which makes all of a player's champions swimmers, Nelanther might see more use.
Another point in Nelanther's favor is that only flyers and swimmers can attack. This restriction applies to both champions and allies, giving you the chance to use it's special power in defense of itself.