Sword; may only be attached to nondragon heroes .The attached champion is immune to the special powers of all dragons and the special powers of any cards attached to them. (Def)
Wizards of the Coast
This magic item is useful against dragon champions, but is restrictive in its use. Only heroes who are not dragons may use Wyrmblight. The hero using Wyrmblight is immune to the special powers of all dragons and the cards attached to them, even if not in combat. For instance, Wand of Telekinesis [DL-63] would not work against Wyrmblight if held by a dragon. Wyrmblight does not cancel out the dragon's powers, nor does it affect those parts of a dragon's power that does not affect this champion.
For instance, T'chaar's [DR-c1] ability to use any offensive card would not be affected; however, the champion would be immune to any effect of those cards played with this power. To turn a Dark Sun hero into a real dragonslayer, give him Wyrmblight and The Heartwood Spear (318/3rd), which kills dragons and monsters. Most of the time, a card better used would be Dragonsbane [PO-6], which instantly kills dragons, and has a higher bonus against non-dragons.