Usable by any champion. Play at any time to cancel the effects of an unarmed combat card. (Def)
Wizards of the Coast
This should be a standard in many Spellfire decks, especially if you don't know what type of deck you're going to be going up against. Evade can be used by all champions, and it works to cancel the effects of any unarmed combat card. This works on both offensive and defensive combat cards, and since it can be played at any time, all one needs to use it is have a champion in play anywhere (in combat or in the pool).
This fits right in with the other cards used as canceling agents, like Limited Wish [4th-382], Helm [4th-255], Dispel [4th-400], and Dodge [RR-c12]. Although similar in power to Dodge, Evade is not an event, and therefore can be played even when cards such as Year of Plenty [AR-98] are in effect. Just like Dispel and Dispel Magic [4th-370], an Evade can even be used to cancel another Evade; as long as it is played immediately after the first, thus allowing the original combat card first evaded to take effect.