Dragon; flyer. The base level of an opposing nondragon champions is reduced to 2 for this round of battle.
Wizards of the Coast
Depending upon the opposing decks, this ally can be quite powerful. Although it is already a +6 ally, it's true power lies when it's opponent is a nondragon. In this case, the opposing champion's base level is reduced to 2 for this battle. Note that this takes place at the time of play of the Firedrake; so if Topaz [4th-300] has already cast Armor [4th-396], her base level would be 12, but after the Firedrake is played, it would be 2. If Topaz waited to play armor after the Firedrake, her base level would only be 3.
Dragons and champions that can ignore the special abilities of allies are immune to this effect, but it remains a +6 ally. As a flyer and dragon, it is subject to all the benefits and hindrances that these designations entail. This ally is very strong with the Sword of Sharpness [DU-64], which would kill the opposing champion reduced to base level 2 if not immune to this ally's power, or to the sword.
The Firedrake's blood is very volatile, in fact, it literally burns within their veins. More than once an unsuspecting swordsman attacked a firedrake, only to be killed by the resulting spray of burning blood.