Usable only by giants. The attached champion ignores the special powers of opposing realms, holdings, and allies. (Def)
Wizards of the Coast
The Maul of the Titans is very potent, being a +9 magic item. This is balanced by the fact that only those champions designated as giants can use it. Because of this restriction, this magic item would be most useful in a deck with several giants, or even better, a giant theme deck. Having the Maul of the Titans allows the attached giant to ignore opposing realm, holding, and ally special powers. Note that this is not the same as negate.
Simply put, any special powers of these types that would affect the attached champion, don't. If the special powers target or affect something other than the champion with the Maul or his attachments, the power is unaffected by the Maul. Therefore, Yumac the Cold [4th-311] with the Maul would not be affected by the Rust Monster [4th-251], as long as the Maul was in play first. If the Incantrix [RR-85] were then played against Yumac, all spells would still be dispelled, except for any that Yumac had cast.