Discard this card from the attached champion during a round of combat to send two cards attached to the opposing champion to the Abyss. (Off)
Wizards of the Coast
This magic item has the ability to send two cards attached to an opposing champion to the Abyss. When this power is activated, this card is discarded. This is a very powerful card, and may become a target for magic and events if left attached to someone in the pool. It can be best used if you keep it in your hand until you wish to use it, then attached it to your champion, discard it, and send two cards to the Abyss.
As long as the opponent isn't immune to offensive magic items, or has some power that inhibits magic items from being played against him, this card is difficult to defend against. This card can be most effective when used in a deck that has several cards able to retrieve items from the discard pile, like Halcyon [1st-c16], Remnis [4th-481], and Tasslehoff Burrfoot [DL-39]. Attaching the Well of Many Worlds to Halcyon makes it easier for her to win her round of battle; but beware, because once you've sent four or more cards to the Abyss, your cards that enable you to get the Well back will become targets, too.
This strange magic item is an excellent way to travel to other planes of existence, but not without a price. Any movement of the Well can change the destination through the Well. A Well of Many Worlds looks remarkably like a portable hole, and many unwary adventurers have dumped their treasure inadvertently into another dimension.