A champion wearing the talisman can fly and is considered a dragon. (Def)
Wizards of the Coast
The wearer of the talisman gains the ability to fly and is designated a dragon until the Talisman is removed. The attached champion gains all the benefits and hindrances of being a dragon, as well as flying benefits and hindrances. In a well constructed deck this item can make a normal champion extra powerful. A deck built with a few dragons and a mixture of regular champions can turn into a deadly combination.
The benefits of being a dragon are the champion can, use dragon unarmed combat cards like Swoop [DR-90], use allies only playable on dragons such as the Cult of the Dragon [DR-80], the rule card Age of the Dragon [DR-99] would protect the attached champion, and the use of all the spells castable only by dragons. Hindrances come in the fashion of champions that affect dragons, like Uldo Dracobane [NS-43] who would ironically discard this magic item that made the champion a dragon in the first place, and cards that kill dragons, like Dragonsbane [PO-6] and the event Dragon Slayer [AR-51].
A good way to protect a champion with this magic item would be the spell Enchanted Flight [DR-56] making it immune to cards that affect flyers. Good champions to attach this magic item to are Caller in Darkness [NS-70], Nemon Hotep [NS-67], Tyvorg the Frost Giant [DU-45], and Kalid-na [4th-279]. With so many ways to create a beneficial deck around dragons this is a great card to aid those nice champions that are not dragons to a dragon based deck.
A champion with the Talisman is considered a dragon in all respects, including use of unarmed combat cards usable only by dragons.