When this card is used, the opponent must draw and discard a card, noting the last digit. If the number is 2 or less, the opposing champion is discarded. (Off/4)
Wizards of the Coast
After the opponent draws and discards a card, checking the last digit for a zero, one, or two. If he or she find one of these numbers they must discard their champion to the discard pile. If the card number is higher than a two, the psionic power only gives a plus five during the course of battle, but with the Dungeon card Powers from the Savage Land [DU-20] it would become a mighty +10 bonus. This card is a weaker form of the famous Vorpal Blade [FR-56], which is more likely to behead, and can be used in more than one battle.
If a two or less is drawn the champion dies and the battle is over. Good cards to use with this are the champion Marco Volo [3rd-50], or Ren's Crystal Ball [4th-451] since they can do some recon work on an opponent's deck to make sure the opponent will draw a two or less when in battle. The rule card A Sure Thing [NS-74] will also ensure a victory in battle without making them draw a card. With this card's nice plus and the ability to instantly win a battle it fits well in a deck based around psionic powers, or support cards looking for a quick and easy win in combat.
Cards that negate the affect of this power are the Herald of Mei Lung [NS-54], Wyrm's Decree [DU-19], and Mind Shield [PO-72] since they protect a player from cards that examine or discard cards from the draw pile. In the event this psionic power is put into battle with one of these protective cards in play only its bonus has any affect.