When this spell is cast on an opposing champion, that player must draw and discard a card, noting the last digit. If the number is higher than the champion's base level, he is discarded. (Off/4)
Wizards of the Coast
The opponent that this spell is cast upon must draw and discard a card, noting the last digit of the card. If the number is higher than the champion's base level, he is killed and put in the discard pile, ending battle. The card the opponent draws must be discarded and cannot be used; if an event is drawn, it goes to the Abyss unless that player is using the dungeon card The Azure Tower of Onad the Fallen [DU-24].
This card is better used on lower level champions giving a player a better chance of discarding them. A good combinations to make sure that a champion dies is use another cleric spell True Seeing [DR-64] to check the cards they will draw, giving you the ability to predict the outcome. Or, to make sure a champion dies, play the rule card A Sure Thing [NS-74] to automatically kill a champion of base level eight or less. The only down side to this spell is it can only be used during battle, so the choice of who you can use it upon is limited. A crafty player can manipulate things to their favor by using the cleric spell Command [4th-416] to make a player attack with a certain champion.
Other ways to help this spell kill a champion would be to lower the opponent's base level with nasty cards like Ray of Enfeeblement [4th-393], Negative Planar Energy [NS-73], or the wicked unarmed combat card Level Drain [NS-97]. With no bonus this spell is either a hit or miss card; if a player cannot manipulate things into their favor they probably should look at other ways to defeat their opponent.