May also be cast by any dragon. This spell summons a dragon champion from any pool to act as an ally (level only). Win or lose, the summoned champion returns to his pool. (Def/4)
Wizards of the Coast
Bluelining has changed this spell to (Off - 4), meaning it can only summon dragons not immune to offensive spells. This card is an interesting spell in the fact that it may be cast by all wizard casters and all dragons, no matter if they can normally cast wizard spells or not. This spell summons a dragon champion from any pool to act as an ally. The dragon puts forth his level only not any special powers it possesses, but it is considered a dragon ally for cards that may effect dragons such as the event Dragon Slayer [AR-51].
No matter if the summoned dragon's side wins or loses the dragon goes to its original pool. If during combat the opponent discards an ally they may discard the summoned dragon since it is considered an ally for the duration of battle. In that case the dragon is discarded and does not go back to the pool. This spell goes great in any dragon deck. The preferred method of summoning dragons would be to use the opponent's dragons, but to make this card more usable it would be wise to put a few dragons within the same deck to make sure a dragon could be summoned into battle.
A player must also be careful of summoning their own dragons since they might get discarded during battle by the opponent. This card, though not too powerful, may lend a nice high level ally to battle with most dragons levels being eight or higher. Good champions to summon with this spell are Tiamat, God of Evil Dragons [DR-44], Fire Dragon [DU-38], or Borys the Dragon [4th-268].
The dragon summoned as an ally remains a dragon. The Summon Dragon spell overcomes all movement restrictions in bringing the summoned ally to the battle.