Dragon; flyer. If Khisanth razes an opponent's realm in combat, one other unrazed realm anywhere in play is sent to Limbo until the end of the defender's next turn. Realms return from Limbo to any place in that player's formation.
Wizards of the Coast
The player of Khisanth chooses which realm goes to Limbo, this can be devestating in a close game. This card is also a two-edged sword because if you have the only unrazed realms in play when Khianth's power activates, then you must choose one of your own realms to send to Limbo. Any realm sent to Limbo by Khisanth returns to that player's formation during phase 5 of the next turn of the player whose realm Khisanth razed in combat. The realm sent to Limbo losses it's place in the formation, so if it were in the A slot of the formation the next realm played by that player must go into the A slot.
When the realm returns from Limbo it still may go into the formation into any open slot. Also, if another player has the same realm in play by the time the realm returns from Limbo, it is discarded. As you can see, this is a good way to get your own realms in to play that may be blocked by the Rule of the Cosmos. All this aside, it is often difficult to activate Khisanth's power, since it only takes effect when Khisanth attacks AND razes a realm, which only happens when the opponent doesn't defend. Otherwise, you need to find a way to raze the realm in that round, such as using Tithian [1st-301] as an ally with the Helm of Teleportation [1st-219].
When the realm returns from Limbo, the owner of the realm can place it anywhere in the formation, even a position that would not normally be allowed. For example, if the only realm in the formation is in position A, the player could place the realm in the third row.