Dragon; flyer. While Tamarand is in play all flying monsters must ask his permission to fly. Allies of +3 or less cannot be played against him.
Wizards of the Coast
Tamarand is rare in that this card is both a dragon and a cleric but not an avatar. This alone makes this card a great choice for a dragon theme deck. As with most dragons, he is also a flyer. Since the majority of flyers are also monsters, Tamarand is a very powerful card.
Opponents that want to use their flying monsters to attack realms that they could not reach without flying must ask this player's permission to fly to that realm in order to attack it. This power does not cover allies and non-monster flyers. Flying monsters need not ask permission if they can get to the realm in question without flying, i.e. it is unprotected or the attacking champion has some other card in play that allows him to reach the realm.
Lastly, not being able to play +3 or lower allies against Tamarand takes many of the more powerful avenging allies out of the running in combat against him. Allies like the Assassins [4th-221] and the Starving Artist [3rd-439] will just have to wait for another champion to put the screws to.
Flyers only need Tamarand's permission to fly, not to attack. If flying ability is not necessary to reach the target realm, no permission is necessary. For example, Mykell, who is both a flyer and swimmer, does not need Tamarand's permission to attack Kozakura, which can only be attacked by flyers or swimmers.