All champions of base level 5 or less suffer from dragon fear and cannot act (attack or defend, cast spells, use psionics, etc) until the end of this player's next turn. (harmful)
Wizards of the Coast
This event stops all champions of base level 5 or less from any activity at all until it expires. This includes any champions entering into play from the hand. This event is very effective in keeping at bay those pesky low-level champions with devastating special powers, like Hettman Tsurin [4th-257].
This event lasts until the event player's next turn, so is most effective if played during his turn. This event can be quite catastrophic to all players if coupled with the rule card Time of Troubles [FR-99]. While both of these cards are in play, only champions of base level 6 are able to attack or defend. Dragon Fear can be stopped by Calm [3rd-400] for individual players, or canceled for everyone with Limited Wish [4th-382] or Intercession [RR-48].
Only the strongest can withstand the Dragon Fear. The sight of a great Wyrm in all it's glory has caused many young adventurers to seek a career change. - Athena Fernwood, halfling mercenary annd collector of many fine baubles.