Until this player's next turn, cards cannot be drawn by another player from your draw deck, discard pile, or hand, and opposing players cannot force you to draw or discard cards. (Helpful)
Wizards of the Coast
This event stops all opponents from drawing cards from your hand, draw or discard piles, or forcing you to do the same. This protects your deck from many different cards, including Great Shout [FR-41], Deja Vu [AR-100], Ninjas [4th-239], and many others. It can partially affect some cards, such as Discovery of Spellfire [2nd-401]; whose player would still be able to look at the hand of the player protected under the Wyrm's Decree, but would not be able to discard a card. As this is a helpful event, cards such as Calm [3rd-400] and Delsenora [1st-c10] have no effect, but Wyrm's Decree can still be canceled by Limited Wish [4th-382] or Intercession [RR-48].
A useful time to use Wyrm's Decree is when you know your opponent has cards that force you to draw or discard cards. If your opponent attacks with a champion that has the Vorpal Blade [FR-56] attached to it, put down Wyrm's Decree before you bring forward your defender. You can also make it work on the offensive, by using one of the cards that enable you to examine another's hand, such as Discovery of Spellfire, and if someone has several spells, events, allies, etc. that will be affected by the Wyrm's Decree, play it before you attack.